Embrace the Chinese Spring Festival with Techblazers

New Spring Lantern Festival 2024 at Techblazers - Celebrate Chinese New Year with Innovation and Tradition

With the 2024 New Year approaching, it’s time to immerse ourselves in the cultural richness of the Chinese Spring Festival. On February 11, 2024, at 10:00 AM, we at Techblazers will be hosting an event to welcome the new spring in a traditional Chinese way. Our goal is to create a platform for overseas Chinese and children of all ethnicities to gain a deeper understanding of Chinese culture.

The event, titled “New Spring Lantern Festival 2024,” will offer a variety of activities that combine tradition and innovation. The attendees will not only learn about Chinese customs but will also have a hands-on experience in making their own lanterns and writing the Chinese character “福”, meaning fortune or happiness.

One of the highlights of our event will be the opportunity for children to create their own mini-lanterns using 3D printing pens. This activity encourages creativity and innovation, with our expert teachers offering guidance throughout the process. The aim is to foster a sense of accomplishment in the children as they hold up their self-made lanterns.

Next, we’ll engage in a traditional family activity of writing the character “福”. This will provide a wonderful opportunity for families to bond over a fun and educational experience. Writing this character is a traditional way to usher in happiness during the New Year, and we hope all participants will carry this spirit with them.

Lastly, we will share insights into our programming education growth planning. The objective is to help parents and children understand how programming education can assist in personal growth and facilitate admission to prestigious schools. At Techblazers, we believe in the power of technology education in shaping the future of our children.

Join us at the “New Spring Lantern Festival 2024” to embrace the Chinese New Year with joy, creativity, and a fresh understanding of Chinese culture. Let’s warm our hearts with the glow of lanterns and the promise of prosperity signified by the character “福”. It’s more than just an event – it’s a cultural journey that promises to be as enlightening as it is entertaining.