Mother’s Day Event: Ivy League Application Sharing Session by Techblazers

This Mother’s Day, Techblazers organized an Ivy League application-sharing session and invited two high-achieving students from private schools along with their mothers! We celebrated their successful journey to the top Ivy League schools and took this special day as an opportunity to share their valuable experiences with our member’s parents and children.

Mother's Day Ivy League Application Sharing Session by Techblazers

One of the students, a young enthusiast who started his journey by participating in VEX IQ competitions using a remote controller, has shown exemplary growth over the years. He transformed from being a team leader to a leader in various clubs, made it to the top five in his school, and successfully secured his place in a top Ivy League school. Student A was admitted to the Mechanical Engineering Genius Program at Columbia University, a highly selective program that only admits 15 students per year! On the other hand, Student B was accepted into the Applied Mathematics Program at the University of Pennsylvania.

Mother's Day Ivy League Application Sharing Session by Techblazers

The sharing session detailed the roadmap for students following the IB system to get into Ivy League schools, providing highly actionable insights. The speakers’ enthusiasm was infectious, and the parents’ response was overwhelmingly positive. The venue was buzzing with excitement!

The session also extensively covered other aspects such as:

  • How to choose a unique approach for essay preparation and make your application stand out.
  • The process of discovering one’s passion, using the speaker’s humorous and engaging story of discovering a love for mechanics.
  • An in-depth case study of a Science Fair project that demonstrated the student’s ability in a tangible way.
  • How to select high-value competitions to participate in and make a mark at the national level.
  • A comparison and analysis of the AP/IB system which helped parents make informed decisions about their children’s education.
  • How to maintain a balance between academics and extracurricular activities.
  • The importance of utilizing school resources to the fullest.

The sharing session, scheduled for two hours, was extended by half an hour due to the active questioning by parents and children. Even after the session ended, parents were still engaged in a heated discussion. Seeing everyone’s enthusiasm, Techblazers plans to organize more high-quality sharing sessions in the future. We welcome everyone to join us! See you next time!