Tag: mentorship programs

Unity Boot Camp for Young Gamers at TechBlazers

Dive Into Game Development: Join Our Unity Boot Camp

Step into the world of game development with TechBlazers’ Unity Boot Camp for ages 5-14. Over 15 classes, you'll transition from game player to game creator, mastering Unity to design your own games. Start your creative journey today and build games that capture your imagination!

Techblazers and Happy Life Wealth Management's Seminar on Private School Planning

Techblazers and Happy Life: Shaping Futures Through Private School Seminar

Techblazers and Happy Life Wealth Management's seminar on private school selection, led by co-founder Tony, attracted broad interest and high consultation sign-ups. Held in Oakville but drawing parents from Richmond Hill, the event emphasized strategic application advice and bespoke family solutions in education and finance.

Inspiring Future Leaders through Community Involvement

Community Involvement: How Our School Gives Back

Techblazers is more than just a robotics education institution; it's deeply committed to community involvement. Through educational collaborations, scholarships, community events, mentorship programs, and community service projects, Techblazers fosters a sense of community and inspires future leaders. Engaging in community service teaches students essential values, while real-world application of robotics skills empowers them to make a positive impact. By...

Encouraging Girls in Robotics: Breaking Gender Barriers in STEM Education | Techblazers

STEM Education and Gender Diversity: Encouraging Girls in Robotics

This blog post discusses the importance of encouraging girls to explore and excel in robotics, addressing the gender gap in STEM fields. It highlights the benefits of gender diversity, such as diverse perspectives and closing the skills gap. The post outlines strategies implemented by Techblazers, including an inclusive curriculum, female role models, girls-only classes, hands-on learning, mentorship programs, and...