Tag: growth mindset

Experience the Perfect Blend of Fun and Learning at Techblazers Summer Camp

Techblazers Summer Camp: A Blend of Fun, Learning and Creativity!

Techblazers Summer Camp invites children aged 4-14 for a summer of fun, learning, and creativity. Activities include computer programming, game design, robotics, art creation, LEGO construction, and outdoor play. Every week presents new themed activities, ensuring a diverse and enriching experience.

ID8 Ventures and Techblazers Startup Competition: Fostering Young Entrepreneurs in Canada

ID8 Ventures and Techblazers: Creating Opportunities for Young Entrepreneurs

ID8 Ventures and Techblazers hosted a startup competition for university students at McMaster University. The event provided a platform for validating entrepreneurial ideas and displaying talents. It welcomed diverse participants and aimed to stimulate entrepreneurial spirit. The organizers anticipate further growth in early-stage tech companies in North America.

Tips for Parents: Supporting Your Child's Robotics Coding Journey | Techblazers

Tips for Parents: Supporting Your Child’s Robotics Coding Journey

In this blog post, we provide valuable tips for parents to support their child's robotics coding journey. The tips include embracing their curiosity, creating a learning-friendly environment, exploring online resources, enrolling in robotics classes, encouraging problem-solving, participating in competitions, attending workshops and events, being patient and supportive, showcasing their work, exploring real-world applications, setting realistic expectations, and fostering a...

Why Robotics Coding Education Matters for Kids

Why Robotics Coding Education Matters for Kids

In a world driven by technological advancements, robotics coding education for kids is becoming increasingly important. It fosters creativity, builds critical thinking skills, prepares children for future job opportunities, boosts confidence, enhances collaboration, cultivates a growth mindset, connects theory with practice, and nurtures a passion for learning. At Techblazers, our robotics school in Richmond Hill is committed to providing...